Meeting Between ASPIRE and Core Agriculture Support Program Phase (CASP2)

02 January 2017: I attended a meeting between ASPIRE team (DAE/GDA) and CASP2 project team at the Department of international Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss potential areas for cooperation.


CASP2 is working on enhanced food security and adaptive capacity of smallholders farmers through application of climate friendly agriculture, including innovative green water technology and management, soil moisture management in farm, etc. CASP2 has success in facilitating farmer marketing, contracting between CEW and producers.

ASPIRE Team also briefed about the program especially raised about extension hub that will be set up by the program. Extension materials will be uploaded on the web portal that allow farmers, extension workers and other stakeholders to access. This is part of the effort to improve quality extension service.

After the discussion, both parties agreed to cooperate with each other on the following points:

  • Capacity Building/ Training
  • Trade fair and exhibition of agricultural extension materials
  • Regular Meeting (every three months)
  • Farmers’ exchange visit of successful implementation
  • Share lesson learned, knowledge and experience for example thru the ASPIRE extension hub

Next step discussion

  • ASPIRE Team will discuss more detail with Mr Nat Chantola for next collaboration.
  • CASP2 and GDA ASPIRE will share workplan for further study
  • Review workplan and identify key areas and activities to collaborate and cooperate.
  • Set meeting to discuss on collaboration works

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